Cecilia Grace (Gracie) Burchill, a student at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, enrolled in Sacred Music and Organ studies, was blessed to have performed as organist for a Mass held at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. Gracie is pictured on the organ console at St. Peter’s Basilica, photographed the day of the Mass.
Gracie is currently participating in Franciscan University’s European Study Abroad Program that is centered in Gaming, Austria. While there, she is also serving as one of two student organists for the chapel choir and serves additionally as the Music Assistant.
Gracie was a founding student member of the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Treble Youth Chorale and graduated into the adult choir during her high school years. Gracie’s mother, Sharon Burchill, serves as the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Artistic Director and Principal Conductor.”