Beaver Valley Choral Society Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:24:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GRACIE BURCHILL PERFORMS IN VATICAN CITY, ROME. Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:24:10 +0000 Cecilia Grace (Gracie) Burchill, a student at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, enrolled in Sacred Music and Organ studies, was blessed to have performed as organist for a Mass held at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. Gracie is pictured on the organ console at St. Peter’s Basilica, photographed the day of the Mass.
Gracie is currently participating in Franciscan University’s European Study Abroad Program that is centered in Gaming, Austria. While there, she is also serving as one of two student organists for the chapel choir and serves additionally as the Music Assistant.
Gracie was a founding student member of the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Treble Youth Chorale and graduated into the adult choir during her high school years. Gracie’s mother, Sharon Burchill, serves as the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Artistic Director and Principal Conductor.”

The Beaver Valley Choral Society invites you to attend our upcoming rehearsal sessions and discover the satisfying enjoyment of singing in the BVCS Principal Choir. Rehearsals on Monday, January 6th and 13th meet at 7pm in New Brighton Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton. We then continue rehearsing on consecutive Mondays at 7pm at the Church through March.

There is no membership obligation. Beaver Valley Choral Society is an all-volunteer musical organization. Auditioning is not required, just a love to make music tunefully is all that’s needed. The group is preparing for its 2025 Lenten concert, “Beautiful in His Time,” to be presented March 29 and 30 and April 5 and 6. Venues and times will be announced soon.

Beaver Valley Choral Society was founded as Beaver Valley Choral Club in 1923 and has entered its Second Century of Song. BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and orchestral arts organization.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


2024 BVCS Community Christmas Celebration Wed, 27 Nov 2024 19:56:00 +0000 Bring the entire family for an afternoon filled with good will and holiday merriment at the 2024 Community
Christmas Celebration on Saturday, December 7 at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 393 Adams Street,

Doors open at 1:30pm; enter through the Ohio Avenue church entrance. Activities take place in the
Fellowship Hall. Admission is free, but donations of non-perishable food items will be collected for Families
Matter Food Pantry of Center Township.

Community Christmas Celebration is hosted by Beaver Valley Choral Society and Grace Evangelical Lutheran
Church. Additional support is provided by Brighton Hot Dog Shoppes.

The Fellowship Hall will be decorated for this special occasion. Grace Lutheran’s stunning nativity scene is
displayed to remind all of the true, sacred meaning at the heart of Christmas. Then travel the enchanting
Candyland Trail to Santa’s workshop. The trail is filled with artificial Christmas trees, decorated with lights,
and all sorts of candy canes and other sweet treats.

There’s an area where children can sit and create crafts, write letters to Santa and send greeting cards to
deployed military personnel. Kids can even have their faces painted.

Steaming hot chocolate and wassail is provided by Beaver Falls Coffee & Tea. Rochester’s Philly Pretzel Factory
is supplying their famous, delicious pretzels. And Choral Society and Grace Lutheran volunteers who staff the
event are also stocking the mammoth cookie table.

1:30pm — The Celebration begins with an opening prayer from Grace Lutheran Pastor Greory Clagg,
followed by our National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance.
1:45pm – Diane and Larry Brosius present a theatrical reading of the Clement C. Moore poem, “The Night
Before Christmas,” in front of the Fellowship Hall stage.
2:00pm – Santa Claus arrives by fire truck, driven by the Rochester Volunteer Fire Department. Boys and
girls can visit The Jolly Old Elf and Mrs. Claus at Santa’s special chair on the Fellowship Hall stage.
3:30pm – During the final half-hour Grace Lutheran Town Crier Gary Paumer invites everyone to attend
“Carols by Candlelight,” the Choral Society’s Advent concert, that starts at 4pm in the church sanctuary.
St. Barnabas Broadcasting Beaver County Radio will be on hand with a live, two-hour remote broadcast,
starting at 1:30pm.

Those attending the Celebration can take a spin on the radio station Prize Wheel to win
a gift card from a local business. Beaver County Radio will also livestream the “Carols by Candlelight”

Founded at Beaver College in 1923, the Beaver Valley Choral Society is now in its Second Century of Song.
BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and orchestral arts

BVCS Advent Concert Series: Carols By Candlelight Mon, 25 Nov 2024 13:11:26 +0000 The Beaver Valley Choral Society presents its 2024 Advent concert series, “Carols by Candlelight,” at the following area churches: 

  • Saturday, December 7 at 4pm – Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church  393 Adams Street, Rochester PA 
  • Sunday, December 8 at 4pm – College Avenue Methodist Church 345 College Avenue, Beaver PA 
  • Sunday, December 15 at 4pm – New Brighton Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton PA 

Selections will be performed by the BVCS Mary Inman Honors Handbell Choir, Principal Choir, Orchestra and Treble Youth Chorale. Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Sharon R. Burchill leads the 85-voice choir and orchestra. Deb Silverstein will be directing the eight boys and girls who comprise the Treble Youth Chorale and Judy O’Data directs the seven member three-octave Handbell Choir. 

“Carols by Candlelight” begins with Bill Ingram’s prelude arrangement, ”Christmas Music for Twelve Bells,” featuring the Mary Inman Honors Handbell Choir. That is followed by “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” as arranged by Trevor Manor; the Lloyd Larson arrangement of “Long Ago Prophets Knew;” the traditional carol, “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming,” arranged by Mark Lehnowsky; “Come Thou Redeemer of the Earth,” written by BVCS chorister Kirk Haberman; and “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” written by Heather Sorenson.  

At intermission the Treble Youth Chorale performs the African American spiritual “Rise Up Shepherd, and Follow,” arranged by Audrey Snyder; “The Pembroke Carol,” written by Anna Lapwood.  and Sara Teasdale; and “Jubilate! Bells are Ringing” arranged by Ellen Foncannon.  

The second half of the concert begins with David Rasbach’s a capella arrangement of “We Shall Light a Thousand Candles;” followed by Joseph M. Martin’s choral medley “Shepherd Carols;” then the title piece, “Candlelight Carol,” written by John Rutter. The concert concludes with Benjamin Harlan’s exuberant finale, “Carol Fantasia.”  

Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted.

Founded at Beaver College in 1923, the Beaver Valley Choral Society begins its Second Century of Song. BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and orchestral arts organization. 

DEB SILVERSTEIN INDUCTED INTO THE BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT’S MUSICIANS OF NOTE HALL OF FAME Fri, 25 Oct 2024 19:08:46 +0000 Congratulations to our own Deb Silverstein on her recent Induction into the Batavia City School District’s Musicians of Note Hall of Fame 2024!

A native of Batavia, New York, and a graduate of the Batavia School District, Deb has had an illustrious career as a teacher and performer. Thousands of students have flourished under her direction, with hundreds of them pursuing careers in music and the arts. She has performed all over the nation and world as soloist and orchestral player on flute and piccolo. Deb has been instrumental to the BVCS as she directs the Treble Youth Chorale while also serving as Orchestra Manager and Concert Master of the BVCS Orchestra. She lends her talents to the orchestra as well, as lead flute player.
According to the nomination information, “Batavia City School District recognizes alumni and retired music educators for their accomplishments in
the field of music. Batavia has many alumni who have had successful careers in music performance,music education, musical theater, and audio recording.”
Deb was inducted into the Batavia City School District’s Musicians of Note Hall of Fame on October 24, 2024. A truly well-deserved honor for a truly remarkable musician!
Grace Burchill – Recital and Lecture: “Modal Musings” Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:18:47 +0000 Grace Burchill, member of the Beaver Valley Choral Society and Sacred Music Organ Major at Franciscan University, will be giving a lecture-recital, entitled, “Modal Musings”, on Sunday July 28th at DeBence Antique Music World, 1261 Liberty St, Franklin, PA 16323.

Congratulations, Gracie!



3rd Annual BVCS Pops Concert: “Land That I Love”, May 19th Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:10:36 +0000 The Beaver Valley Choral Society presents its third annual BVCS Pops Concert “Land That I Love,” presented
Sunday, May 19 at 4pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 393 Adams Street, Rochester 15074. Admission is free, but
donations are accepted.

The BVCS Principal Choir, BVCS orchestra and Treble Youth Chorale share a part in presenting this special
musical program. BVCS Artistic Director and Principal Conductor, Sharon R. Burchill, directs the BVCS principal
choir and orchestra and Deb Silverstein directs the Treble Youth Chorale.

Come join us – it promises to be an exciting, enjoyable and uplifting experience. New members are welcome
to join any of the BVCS ensembles for this special Pops concert. Interested adult and Treble Youth Chorale
singers should come to the first rehearsal at the church on Monday, April 8 at 7pm. Instrumentalist should
contact Deb Silverstein to indicate their desire and receive music.

The program begins with the choir entry and orchestral prelude, “Let Freedom Ring,” as arranged by Ed
Huckeby, followed by the Mark Hayes arrangement of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Then the concert begins
with the Phillip H. Inman a capella arrangement of “America the Beautiful;” “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor”
by Roy Ringwald. Greg Gilpin’s “E Pluribus Unum;”
The Andrews Sisters’ wartime hit, “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” arranged by Ed Lojeski; the Dennis Allen
arrangement, “Salute to the Armed Forces,” a medley that features anthems of five branches of America’s
military; the Al Jacobs/Tom Scott arrangement of “This is My Country;” and closes with Irving Berlin’s “God
Bless America,” as arranged by Joseph Martin.

At intermission the Treble Youth Chorale continue the Patriotic Theme with “Rally ‘Round’ America,” written
by Janet Gardner; “The Instrument Song,” a traditional favorite; and Douglas E. Wagner’s “Ten Songs of
America,” a medley featuring ten patriotic songs.

Founded at Beaver College in 1923, the Beaver Valley Choral Society now enters its Second Century
of Song. BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and
orchestral arts organization.

Philip H. Inman added to Beaver County Genealogy and History Center Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:27:45 +0000
A new archive has been added to the Beaver County Genealogy and History Center shelves.
Earlier this year Mary Inman, wife of the late Philip H. Inman (pictured), donated his large collection of photographs and programs for the Rochester Area High School musicals that were produced from the Sixties to the Eighties, spanning nearly 25 years.
Mr. Inman (1932-2019) was choral teacher at Rochester and is credited with organizing the first high school musical produced anywhere.
He had the foresight to document his students’ efforts with this priceless archive. These are not amateur snapshots, but are professional photographs from the stage scenes.
Many thanks to Mrs. Inman, Ray Rotuna, and BCG&HC volunteers Miriam Young, Lauraly Burnecke, Rose Marie Kendell, Cindy Latherow and Bob Headland for making this historic History Center collection possible.
2024 BVCS LENTEN CONCERT SERIES – GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:03:53 +0000 The Beaver Valley Choral Society presents its Lenten concert series, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” The Principal Choir, Orchestra, and Treble Youth Chorale present this musical message of contemplation on Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary; that He is our hope today, tomorrow and always.

Sharon Burchill, BVCS Artistic Director and Principal Conductor, conducts the 93-voice adult Principal Choir and Orchestra. Director Deborah Silverstein leads the sixteen children who are members of the Treble Youth Chorale and Judy O’Data directs the Mary Inman Honors Bell Choir.

Admission is free, but donations are accepted. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” is presented at these locations:

  • Saturday, March 16 at 4pm: St. Titus Church, Mary Queen of Saints Parish, 952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa 15001
  • Sunday, March 17 at 4pm: New Brighton Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton 15066
  • Saturday, March 23 at 4pm: College Avenue United Methodist Church, 345 College Avenue, Beaver 15009

Cordial concert reception follows the performance at Aliquippa and Beaver locations.

This will be a concert you don’t want to miss, featuring the music of composers Jeffrey Ames, Craig Courtney, Patti Drennan, Maurice Durufle, Hans Leo Hassler, John Leavitt, Joseph Martin, Mary McDonald and David Schwoebel, with arrangements by J. Mark Baker, Howard Helvey and Thomas Quigley.  Featured selections from “Great is Thy Faithfulness” include “Even the Heavens are Weeping;” “Great Day!” “Great is Thy Faithfulness;” “In Remembrance;” “O Sacred Head Surrounded;” “O God Our Help in Ages Past;” “Procession and Hymn for Palm Sunday;” “To Live His Song;” “Today the Son of Man is Slain;” “Tune My Heart to Sing Thy Grace” and “Ubi Caritas.”

The Treble Youth Chorale’s program during intermission includes Melchior Teschner’s “All Glory, Laud and Honor;” “He Will Hold Me Fast,” by Ada Habershon and Matt Merker; and “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love,” a Ghanaian folk song arranged by Anne Krentz Organ.

Founded at Beaver College in 1923, the Beaver Valley Choral Society now enters its Second Century of Song. BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and orchestral arts organization.

REBEKAH COX AWARDED 2024 PHILIP H. INMAN EXCELLENCE IN CHORAL CONDUCTING ARTS SCHOLARSHIP Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:13:26 +0000 This year’s Philip H. Inman Excellence in Choral Conducting Arts Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Rebekah Cox.  Rebekah is currently a senior at Geneva College, majoring in Music Education, and is student teaching at Riverside School District.

Rebekah has lived in Chippewa Township her entire life, and from an early age, she has always been involved in extra-curricular activities.  She at the age of seven she started piano and violin lessons.  After taking her first piano she remembers feeling so much joy during that session that she knew she wanted to play music the rest of her life.  In high school, she had the privilege to play violin in the PMEA festivals, advancing to All-State Orchestra.  Rebekah has expanded her knowledge and experience in music by participating in the Genevans choir, playing the cello, and has had the opportunity to learn and practice conducting at Geneva College.  She also has participated in various instrumental ensembles, including marching band, symphonic band, and jazz band.

After becoming a music major at Geneva, Rebekah joined the Genevans choir, which produced a new interest in choral arts.  Going on the Genevans’ Spring Tours increased her love for choral music and the sense of community that it creates.  As a result, she has developed a passion for the choral arts and a desire to share that passion for music and singing in the classroom.

Upon graduation in May 2024, Rebekah’s desire is to obtain a position as a choral arts music teacher at an elementary school where she can train, encourage, and have a positive influence on the lives of young people who need authentic unselfish leadership.  She is very thankful for her parents who instilled in her a love for life, family, friends, and God, the one who makes all life possible.

Congratulations to Rebekah Cox, our 2024 Philip H. Inman Excellence in Choral Conducting Arts Scholarship recipient!
