Upcoming Events | Beaver Valley Choral Society https://bvchoralsociety.org Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:24:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 GRACIE BURCHILL PERFORMS IN VATICAN CITY, ROME. https://bvchoralsociety.org/gracie-burchill-performs-in-vatican-city-rome/ Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:24:10 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1221 Cecilia Grace (Gracie) Burchill, a student at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio, enrolled in Sacred Music and Organ studies, was blessed to have performed as organist for a Mass held at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. Gracie is pictured on the organ console at St. Peter’s Basilica, photographed the day of the Mass.
Gracie is currently participating in Franciscan University’s European Study Abroad Program that is centered in Gaming, Austria. While there, she is also serving as one of two student organists for the chapel choir and serves additionally as the Music Assistant.
Gracie was a founding student member of the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Treble Youth Chorale and graduated into the adult choir during her high school years. Gracie’s mother, Sharon Burchill, serves as the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Artistic Director and Principal Conductor.”
CALLING ALL MUSICIANS! BECOME PART OF THE BEAVER VALLEY CHORAL SOCIETY https://bvchoralsociety.org/991-2/ Mon, 06 Jan 2025 07:00:09 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=991

The Beaver Valley Choral Society invites you to attend our upcoming rehearsal sessions and discover the satisfying enjoyment of singing in the BVCS Principal Choir. Rehearsals on Monday, January 6th and 13th meet at 7pm in New Brighton Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton. We then continue rehearsing on consecutive Mondays at 7pm at the Church through March.

There is no membership obligation. Beaver Valley Choral Society is an all-volunteer musical organization. Auditioning is not required, just a love to make music tunefully is all that’s needed. The group is preparing for its 2025 Lenten concert, “Beautiful in His Time,” to be presented March 29 and 30 and April 5 and 6. Venues and times will be announced soon.

Beaver Valley Choral Society was founded as Beaver Valley Choral Club in 1923 and has entered its Second Century of Song. BVCS is a 501(c)3 Christian-faith based, non-denominational, intergenerational choral and orchestral arts organization.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


DEB SILVERSTEIN INDUCTED INTO THE BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT’S MUSICIANS OF NOTE HALL OF FAME https://bvchoralsociety.org/deb-silverstein-inducted-into-the-batavia-city-school-districts-musicians-of-note-hall-of-fame/ Fri, 25 Oct 2024 19:08:46 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1202 Congratulations to our own Deb Silverstein on her recent Induction into the Batavia City School District’s Musicians of Note Hall of Fame 2024!

A native of Batavia, New York, and a graduate of the Batavia School District, Deb has had an illustrious career as a teacher and performer. Thousands of students have flourished under her direction, with hundreds of them pursuing careers in music and the arts. She has performed all over the nation and world as soloist and orchestral player on flute and piccolo. Deb has been instrumental to the BVCS as she directs the Treble Youth Chorale while also serving as Orchestra Manager and Concert Master of the BVCS Orchestra. She lends her talents to the orchestra as well, as lead flute player.
According to the nomination information, “Batavia City School District recognizes alumni and retired music educators for their accomplishments in
the field of music. Batavia has many alumni who have had successful careers in music performance,music education, musical theater, and audio recording.”
Deb was inducted into the Batavia City School District’s Musicians of Note Hall of Fame on October 24, 2024. A truly well-deserved honor for a truly remarkable musician!
Philip H. Inman added to Beaver County Genealogy and History Center https://bvchoralsociety.org/philip-h-inman-added-to-beaver-county-genealogy-and-history-center/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:27:45 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1165
A new archive has been added to the Beaver County Genealogy and History Center shelves.
Earlier this year Mary Inman, wife of the late Philip H. Inman (pictured), donated his large collection of photographs and programs for the Rochester Area High School musicals that were produced from the Sixties to the Eighties, spanning nearly 25 years.
Mr. Inman (1932-2019) was choral teacher at Rochester and is credited with organizing the first high school musical produced anywhere.
He had the foresight to document his students’ efforts with this priceless archive. These are not amateur snapshots, but are professional photographs from the stage scenes.
Many thanks to Mrs. Inman, Ray Rotuna, and BCG&HC volunteers Miriam Young, Lauraly Burnecke, Rose Marie Kendell, Cindy Latherow and Bob Headland for making this historic History Center collection possible.
REBEKAH COX AWARDED 2024 PHILIP H. INMAN EXCELLENCE IN CHORAL CONDUCTING ARTS SCHOLARSHIP https://bvchoralsociety.org/rebekah-cox-awarded-2024-philip-h-inman-excellence-in-choral-conduicting-arts-scholarship/ Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:13:26 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1154 This year’s Philip H. Inman Excellence in Choral Conducting Arts Scholarship is awarded to Ms. Rebekah Cox.  Rebekah is currently a senior at Geneva College, majoring in Music Education, and is student teaching at Riverside School District.

Rebekah has lived in Chippewa Township her entire life, and from an early age, she has always been involved in extra-curricular activities.  She at the age of seven she started piano and violin lessons.  After taking her first piano she remembers feeling so much joy during that session that she knew she wanted to play music the rest of her life.  In high school, she had the privilege to play violin in the PMEA festivals, advancing to All-State Orchestra.  Rebekah has expanded her knowledge and experience in music by participating in the Genevans choir, playing the cello, and has had the opportunity to learn and practice conducting at Geneva College.  She also has participated in various instrumental ensembles, including marching band, symphonic band, and jazz band.

After becoming a music major at Geneva, Rebekah joined the Genevans choir, which produced a new interest in choral arts.  Going on the Genevans’ Spring Tours increased her love for choral music and the sense of community that it creates.  As a result, she has developed a passion for the choral arts and a desire to share that passion for music and singing in the classroom.

Upon graduation in May 2024, Rebekah’s desire is to obtain a position as a choral arts music teacher at an elementary school where she can train, encourage, and have a positive influence on the lives of young people who need authentic unselfish leadership.  She is very thankful for her parents who instilled in her a love for life, family, friends, and God, the one who makes all life possible.

Congratulations to Rebekah Cox, our 2024 Philip H. Inman Excellence in Choral Conducting Arts Scholarship recipient!

Beaver Valley Choral Society Formally Celebrates 100 Years Of Song https://bvchoralsociety.org/beaver-valley-choral-society-formally-celebrates-100-years-of-song/ Fri, 27 Oct 2023 12:23:30 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1096 (As printed on the Beaver County Radio website / Matt Drzik, October 23, 2023)

Not one member of the current iteration of the Beaver Valley Choral Society was born when the organization began at Beaver College back on October 23, 1923.  This fact did not stop them from presenting a performance worth 100 years of celebration.

Before a large crowd at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hopewell, the BVCS formally commemorated 100 years of song in the Beaver Valley by performing selections from the oratorio “Messiah” composed by Georg Frédérich Handel. The group of principal vocalists and instrument

A cake celebrating 100 years of the Beaver Valley Choral Society is cut following their performance at Our Lady of Fatima Parish on October 23.

alists was joined by members of the Academy Chamber Orchestra from Pittsburgh, along with featured mezzo-soprano soloist Caroline Friend.

Following the opening number–Lloyd Larsen’s “Celebrate The Day”–the evening opened with an introduction from BVCS President Jim Angeloni, followed by the Historical Address from Chief Historian (and trombonist) Bob Headland. A proclamation from the Beaver County Commissioners was then read aloud by Board Member (and bass singer) Rick Murphy before being presented to BVCS Artistic Director Sharon Burchill.

Additionally, the performance of “Messiah” was an interactive one. Not only did Burchill occasionally turn from the choir towards the audience to conduct them, but the BVCS provided copies of the music to those in attendance.

In all, the centennial was lauded by the attendees, who stood and applauded following the final note of the first 100 years–a century of a non-profit group of ordinary citizens who only need three requirements to be active: to pay dues, to sing to the glory of God, and to sing “tunefully”.

On this night, they sang exceptionally.

SHANNON WITKOUSKI SELECTED AS STUDENT DELEGATE FOR PERCUSSION SOCIETY https://bvchoralsociety.org/shannon-witkouski-selected-as-student-delegate-for-percussion-society/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 11:48:05 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=1053 Shannon Witkouski, a Westminster College sophomore music education and performance major, was recently selected as a student delegate for the Percussive Arts Society (PAS).

The world’s largest percussion organization with over 5,000 members, 40 chapters the U.S. and 28 chapters abroad, the PAS is a central source for information and networking for percussionists and drummers of all ages.

Witkouski is one of 33 student delegates worldwide and will serve as a liaison between student percussionists and chapter leadership. Student delegates also receive materials from the PAS to share with peers, campuses and other chapters in order to communicate initiatives and recruit students to join PAS.

At Westminster, Witkouski is a member of the Titan Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Symphonic Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble and Wind Ensemble. She has also performed with the Trumpet Ensemble and Theatre Westminster.  She is a member of the Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association (PcMEA), the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME) and the international professional music fraternity Mu Phi Epsilon, Phi Omega Chapter.

Witkouski, who is also a freelance musician, has performed with Belle Voci in Pittsburgh, Beaver Valley Choral Society, Shenango Valley Chorale and the Mercer Area School District. A resident of Brighton Township, Pa., she is a graduate of Beaver Area High School.

The PAS was established in 1961 as a non-profit music service with the mission to inspire, educate and support percussionists and drummers throughout the world.

BVCS ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR OPENING https://bvchoralsociety.org/bvcs-assistant-conductor-opening/ Sat, 23 Jul 2022 20:31:35 +0000 https://bvchoralsociety.org/?p=940 The Beaver Valley Choral Society announces an immediate opening for the position of Assistant Conductor for the 2022-2023 concert season.

This is a 12-month position with annual renewal based on performance. An annual stipend is paid in full at the end of fiscal year.

The Assistant Conductor must adhere to the values and mission of the Beaver Valley Choral Society and reports to the Artistic Director.

The Assistant Conductor will carry out specific responsibilities and will be involved with the music direction of the principal choir and orchestra. The Assistant Conductor will act as director/conductor when necessary and support the Artistic Director as required.

Collegiate upperclassmen will be considered if they choose to apply.

A detailed listing of required qualifications and job responsibilities can be found on Beaver Valley Choral Society’s Facebook page. Interested applicants should send a letter of intent, current resume or curriculum vitae, with three references to BVCS President Jim Angeloni at jra_228@hotmail.com

The Beaver Valley Choral Society is a landmark community, intergenerational, Christian faith-based, non-denominational, not-for-profit choral and orchestral arts music organization that values excellence, energy and entrepreneurial spirit
